Monday 7 November 2016

Just a new series of sorts...


I know it's been a while since my last post, and that I didn't stick to the schedule for even one second, but now I have started a new series about the Free-to-Play First Person Shooter, Paladins.

The first episode is just a brief overview of what the game is and what is in it.

Here's the link if you want to watch it:

Thanks, bye.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Short Update

What's up guys! Griff here with another announcement. :D

I will be playing Smash Heroes on SUNDAY at 3:00pm for 1 HOUR!
Note: I will not record and upload the whole thing. Just the highlights.

I will be using the best class by which I mean Karakot.

Note: I'm just an MVP+ on the server so you'll need players on to find me! :D
Also Note: As I am not a YT; I need to manually unlock the characters.

Good luck, have fun, and I'll see you all next time.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Are you ready to SMASH!?

What's up guys! Griff here with another blog post thing.

I know the INCREDIBLE team at Hypixel (THE BEST SERVER EVER) have been working INSANELY hard for SMASH HEROES! But I haven't been able to play on my good computer so I haven't been able to get out any footage for you guys.

Aww... come on Griff, you can do better... I hear you whine No. No I can't. The computer I have been playing on is, in my own words, WORSE THAN A ROCK!

Yes, that's right: A ROCK!

I'm infinitely sorry that I haven't been able to but hey:

You can plug your channel or just get on youtube while you Smash and get Smashed by me and Cookie and some other people.

Meet us in LOBBY 3; 5min BEFORE so we can get all set up. Just mention this blog post!

Be there and bring your A-Game.

Good luck.

Saturday 2 January 2016

A New Series

Hi guys soon I will be playing a modded minecraft series called Hexxit. I have played it before its a really fun game if you don't have It get it on technic launcher it and I will be posting it soon so watch out for that on my channel and yeah Thx for reading watch out for and I'll see you there.

XfullonkillerX has left the Game

Friday 1 January 2016

Not An Advertisement Or Anything...

Hey guys! Cookie Here! I can post on this too!
*Note* This isn't an advertisement for my personal blog... definitely not that...
(Although if you did want to go there, you could find it at )

Happy 2016!!
